Wills – are they really just a once-off document?
Image Credit: Tyler Rix via Unsplash
Jethro Weeks examines a topic most of us prefer not to deal with.
Contemplating death is something we all avoid. Yet in life we have the opportunity to choose the legacy we leave behind for our loved ones, and to determine what happens to our property after we go.
A will should reflect the stage of your life at any given time. If you are newly married, you will wish to consider your spouse in your will. If you have just had a child or a grandchild, you may wish to make provision for them. For this reason, it is important to review your will at regular intervals, in order to ensure that it reflects your changing circumstances.
Many young people are surprised when the subject of a will is broached. But even at the start of your career, a will can give peace of mind by helping to ensure that your loved-ones are taken care of after your death, and can also help prevent disputes over your property when you die.
If you do not leave behind a valid Will your property will be divided according to the Intestate Succession Act.
National Wills Week 2022
National Wills Week is an initiative of the Legal Profession to increase awareness for the importance of having a valid and up-to-date Will. This year’s Wills Week runs from 12 to 16 September 2022.
The team at Scheibert & Associates Inc have volunteered their valuable time and expertise to draw up a basic Will for you… free of charge!
If you would like a Free Basic Will or need your current basic will updated, give us a call on 021-422-0660 or send us an email at scheibert@scheibert.com to secure your consultation.