International travel restrictions tightening

In the wake of ever tightening restrictions on international air travel, South Africans travelling abroad and people planning to travel to South Africa in the upcoming months are strongly advised to monitor the daily press for new developments, and to consult their travel agents or airlines before committing to international travel. As with most things in life, preparation is everything, and in this case preparation can spare one unexpected hold-ups and stress at the airport, not to mention being turned away from a flight!

The daily press reports that new travel restrictions will be introduced by the UK in an attempt to stop Covid-19 variants from entering the UK.

These restrictions are likely to include:

  • A strict hotel quarantine system for passengers arriving from high-risk countries (this includes South Africa)

  • The quarantine will cost travellers up to £1,750 (R35,670) for 10 days self-isolating with meals served in their rooms

  • A £1,000 fine for international arrivals who failed to take a mandatory Covid-19 test

  • A £5,000 penalty rising to £10,000 for anyone failing to quarantine in their designated hotel

  • Passenger carriers will have a duty in law to make sure that passengers have signed up for these new arrangements before they travel, and will be fined if they do not comply

  • A 10-year sentence for incoming passengers who lie about where they have travelled when abroad

South Africans travelling to the UK and people planning to travel to South Africa in the upcoming months are strongly advised to monitor the daily press for new developments, and to consult their travel agents before committing to international travel. Spain has announced that it is is extending the restrictions for travellers with a stopover coming from South Africa, whilst the airline Emirates has suspended flights to and from South Africa until the end of February. Virgin Atlantic may not operate on this route before April. You will also not be able to enter Dubai if you have been in South Africa within 14 days of departure to Dubai.

In the event that you do need to travel during Covid times we recommend visiting the website of your airline in order to ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest requirements and have all the necessary documents before you depart. Travellers to and from South Africa are advised to consult the website of the Airports Company South Africa for incoming and outgoing passenger requirements such as departure forms and for Covid-19 updates.


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February newsletter: Arrest and a Criminal Record for Not Wearing a Mask